Aktuelle Iditarod Videos aus dem Checkpoint Takotna. Hans Gatt spricht ueber den Zustand seines Hundeteams, Lance Mackey lotet seine Chancen auf einen fuenften Titel aus, Martin Buser berichtet ueber den Trail und seine Strategie fuer den Rest des Rennens und Tieraerzte untersuchen Lance Mackeys Hundeteam: (Copyright der Videos – Kyle Hopkins)
Hans Gatt: His sick team is looking better, but still not 100 percent:
Hans Gatt: His sick team is looking better, but still not 100 percent from Kyle Hopkins on Vimeo.
Coming into the Takotna checkpoint, four-time Iditarod champion Lance Mackey talks about the issues he’s facing with a few of the dogs on his team. He says he’d be happy to finish in the top 10, but „I’m not going down without a fight.“:
Lance Mackey from Takotna from Kyle Hopkins on Vimeo.
Although he’s not technically in first place, Martin Buser remains the current favorite as of Day 4 in the Iditarod. He talks about the health of his dogs, the trail conditions, and his strategy for the rest of the race.:
Martin Buser in Takotna from Kyle Hopkins on Vimeo.
Veterinarians check Lance Mackey’s dogs in Takotna on March 9, 2011.: